Sunday, October 31, 2010


Yo, what's up, I just got back from a bike ride. Anyways Happy Halloween, I went, as the coolest costume ever I went as................................................................................................................. a ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................TWINKIE! yey that's right, I was a Junk food, eating Junkfood. My mom went as hit-girl from the movie kick*** Yup, I censored that part, because I try to use appropriate language, Anyways, lets see, what other costumes where there, oh yeah, Zach, went as the main dude from the movie district 9 (man I wish I could see that movie, oh well, sigh) He had a homemade pron hand to boot. WOW! look at the time, I gotta go,read some books, I promise I'll be back soon, good night, watch out for Freddie Crougar MUAHAHAHAHAHAH!, yeh, that's defiantly a lot scarier, when it isn't typed on a blog. oh well good night.

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Hey, what's up fans, sorry that I haven't posted in a while, It's just that I keep forgetting to.anyways, I just thought I'd say happy birthday to my best bud, I would put some funny animations up for you, but I don't know how. Anyways, I better get back to doing stuff. Keep on troll'n. ;)